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Radical perspectives on human evolution

Unravelling the Origins of “Free Will”
In this thought-provoking article, we delve into the intriguing notion of "free will" and its roots, examining it from the perspective of my genetic error theory. By examining the evolutionary implications of this concept, we uncover its profound impact on the human…
Modern human is a remnant of Heidelberg man
What makes us human? Is it consciousness? Is it our ability to reach reality? And specifically better than other species? Do we have a purpose? Are we closer to the gods because of that? Because humans represent such a radical break with…
Where have we come from?
Meanwhile, in Africa Dry and cracked land where nothing grows anymore. Africa probably looked like this after more than 200,000 years of the Saale glaciation about 130.000 years ago. Ice age caused an extended drought during its existence and drove the local…
What is ”wrong” with my hypothesis?
The most frequently asked question about human origins is, what has changed in the human genetic makeup so that we have diverged from the animals we are descended from? Or, how could we demonstrate the way we emerged as a modern population,…
The Ego: An Illusion of the Mind?
The ego, or the self, is considered a great mystery and an indication of the unique quality of man. In man’s world, the ego is a unique phenomenon and an integral part of all humanity. However, this is neither an objective nor…
Non-religious interpretation of the Fall of Man
This article argues that the story of Adam and Eve can be interpreted as a psychological explanation for the problematic nature of humans. It suggests that the serpent represents a traitorous gene that caused humans to become mentally juvenile and that the…


Have we lost our ability to have transcendental experiences as we grow up?
First, transcendental experiences belong only to adulthood, be they spontaneous or psychedelic. Already the young may get some idea of the subconscious, but our bodies naturally do not allow them to experience anything deeper than that. The young grow up as they…
What is being an adult? I don’t think there is an objective definition for this.
I am redefining mental adulthood as a consequence of my hypothesis. The mystical experience can only be understood, in my view, as a lost and suddenly re-appearing adulthood. So it is something very different from the ”social” adulthood we are used to.…
How did you reach your conclusions? Through the psychedelic state?
Not through psychedelics, but through a mystical experience. Mystical experience has been quite well described in Wikipedia, while it is not explained there as I see it. I am referring, in particular, to the rarely manifested version of it which is produced…
Worth watching
The real world by Alan Watts
I respect Alan Watts (1915-73), widely known for his books and speeches on Oriental philosophy. He speaks openly and clearly, always intending to get the listener to understand the heart of his message. And I think he only really had one, but all…
Hofmann’s Potion
The great scientist Albert Hofmann should be taken seriously — much more seriously than is being done today. Hofmann clearly understood that LSD or psychedelics, in general, carry a great mystery. Psychedelics are not just medicine for the mentally anxious and distressed,…


What is wrong with philosophy
Why does philosophy often not help to understand the human mind and, on the contrary, obscure things? Why are questions of philosophy “eternal”? The “mother of Sciences” has influenced how we read the human mind and see it as an…
“Mind at Large”
”We should do well to consider much more seriously... the type of theory Bergson put forward in connection with memory and sense perception. The suggestion is that the function of the brain and nervous system and sense organs is in…

Mysticism and Religion

Richard Dawkins and the nuisance of religion
An evolutionary biologist and a well-known advocate of scientific thinking, Richard Dawkins seems to criticize religion and belief because these are based on mass hysteria and fear as a political tool. However, science works differently. It is contemplating without being subjected to…

Articles from the book