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How did you reach your conclusions? Through the psychedelic state?
Not through psychedelics, but through a mystical experience. Mystical experience has been quite well described in Wikipedia, while it is not explained there as I see it. I am referring, in particular, to the rarely manifested version of it which…
What is being an adult? I don’t think there is an objective definition for this.
I am redefining mental adulthood as a consequence of my hypothesis. The mystical experience can only be understood, in my view, as a lost and suddenly re-appearing adulthood. So it is something very different from the ”social” adulthood we are…
Have we lost our ability to have transcendental experiences as we grow up?
First, transcendental experiences belong only to adulthood, be they spontaneous or psychedelic. Already the young may get some idea of the subconscious, but our bodies naturally do not allow them to experience anything deeper than that. The young grow up…

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